original music



RODAPIÃO (2016) For String Quintet
Commissioned by the American Composers Forum for Sybarite5.
Winner of the 2016 National Composition Competition Contest | c.a. (5 minutes)
(Premiered on Oct. 2016 at Le Poisson Rouge, NY by Sybarite5 and Clarice Assad)
program notes:

Rodapião or Pião is a toy once popular in Latin America, especially among children of the middle and lower classes. known in the US as a trompo (or whipping top), the game consists in throwing these wooden pear-shaped objects on the ground with a string, having it spin within a circle.  As a child growing up in a Latin American country, I developed an obsession for the game, spending hours alone and with friends to improve my throwing techniques for a perfect spin.  Though the game is pretty much obsolete now, in early 2016, to my astonishment, I found a pião at a wood carving store in St. Paul, MN, on the same day I was told by ACF about my collaboration with Sybarite5. That was a good day, full of joy and reasons to celebrate, which at the time, came in as a gift since I had been going through quite a bit of personal pain and grief. Rodapião  is a step back in time, a sonic representation reminiscent of spins, laughter, sounds of childhood and Brazilian groovy beats. 

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