original music



Poetry by Daniel Basilio
| c. 20 mins
Commissioned by the SOLI ENSEMBLE
Bb Clarinet
Mezzo Soprano

I. Flor de Lã
II. Fogaréu
III. Maré de Água Viva
IV. Esconderijo
program notes:

ELEMENTOS is a song-cycle inspired by the four elements: earth, fire, water and air, and was the first collaboration between myself and the poet/lyricist Daniel Basilio. Originally written for piano and operatic voice, the piece was never properly premiered, so it was put to rest in a drawer and forgotten for the longest time.  It never occurred to me to ever play and sing this piece myself,  because I had it stuck in my mind that this piece should never be done by someone with my vocal type.   In the past few years, however, the lines between genres and styles have become much thinner for me, and as I looked for a piece to arrange for SOLI and myself, ELEMENTOS came to mind.  

I am really excited about working with SOLI on this piece.  Bringing it to a chamber music setting and pairing it with a more popular vocal type such as mine, I hope, will culminate on something unique, different than the regular song cycles audiences expect to hear when going to a concert house, or a jazz festival.  

The piece draws from many influences.  The first movement Flor De Lã   is set to a gorgeous poem by Basilio, exploring the earth element. Fogaréu, inspired by the fire element is a fiery and rhythmic movement while the ballad Maré de Água Viva  aims to  portray the comings and goings of a tide of living water.  The element Air closes the song cycle with a lively dance in 6/8, called Esconderijo.  

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"Chamber Ensemble contributed significantly to the Las Américas Festival with its Monday night concert, but its larger gift was bringing talented Brazilian-American singer/composer Clarice Assad to San Antonio. Assad sang a cycle of four of her songs, titled “Elementos,” because they represented the earth, fire, water and air. She was mesmerizing, singing in a lovely bossa nova in one song and turning her mezzo voice into a percussive effect the next, all bringing Brazil to life…But it was Assad who won the audience…"


BRAZILIAN SINGER WOWS AUDIENCES - San Antonio Express News (source)
Chão Poeira rala
A neve encobre o chão
Grão, Semeador chão
Derradeira vastidão
Terral Segue avante, então, Solidão

Chão Ribalta viva, um palco sobre o chão
A farsa da vida, força de afã

A relva seca, a folha temporã
Som, malta n'ampiidão
Chão, sertão, sol,
Chão, solidão

Flor de lã
Num falso abrigo
Silêncio vivo
Na madre terra
Flor de lã
Mão da terra, mão da terra

Chão Ribalta viva
Um palco sobre o chão
A farsa da vida, força de Afã

A fonte acesa Casca de romã
Som, malta n'amplidão
Chão Sertão, sol
Diamante, a vida
A terra aterra no carvão

Som malta n'amplidão, chão
Sertão, sol, chão, solidão

Flor de lã
Num falso abrigo
Silêncio vivo
Na madre terra
Flor de lã
Mão da terra, mão da terra

Chão, terra, chão, terra
Poeira, chão na Terra
Nunca me dei por vencida
A verdade é que a vida
Não sabe esperar
Vivo em constante armadilha
Maré de Água Viva
Canção de ninar
Meu labirinto vai e vem
Parece, a espuma
Me esconder outra canção
Meu coração… Ah!
Fundo, água-marinha aperta minha mão
Vivo entre as idas e vindas;
Manhãs de Coimbra,
Alagado Leblon
Não sei mais calar um som
Sei de cor
Guardar o amor
O amor…
Quando amanhece 
Esconde-se em mim
Luar, ilusão 
Noturno, nanquim
Pétala flor
Viola flautim 
Um corpo a corpo 
Um beijo seu
Passam nuvens de hortelã
Num afã que a tarde cai 
Feito folha
Feito bolha de sabão
Assim, na verdade um carinho é canção
Só a fé 
Há de mudar 
Há de ser assim
Quando a fábula é cadente
Inventa a vida 
Caio assim de sorridente 
No Oriente
Longe, longe léguas
Numa estrada sem destino 

Quando a lágrima é de vidro 
Lírios de aglomeram
Sinto assim um calafrio 
De arrepio 
Um vento, vento leve
Venha madrugada
Amo à toa
Olha, um beija flor... Partiu… Partiu
other versions:
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A Tide of Living Water for Classical Guitar
A Tide of Living Water is a composition by the great Brazilian composer Clarice Assad. The arrangement was made by Ondrej Vesely for José Antonio Escobar. Home made recording. No cuts. No editing. Watch it below.