2016 American Composers Forum National Composition Contest

Call For Guitarists Winners
I am very excited to be writing music for such wonderful *guitar players and I would like to keep anyone who is interested, in the loop of what’s happening !
Ultimately, these great folks are helping me create a very unique suite for the guitar - since it will be all based on whatever they want. I’ve been slowly gathering some information about them and what they want - and it’s been very interesting! Already I know that Connie wants a piece that celebrates motherhood, Jose Antonio Escobar is into playing something moody and minor; Marek said he’s a composer himself so he’s probably be more into whatever it is that someone else comes up on his behalf; while Cecilio wrote that he loves all kinds of styles, including rock an roll… Mmm I will provably follow up on that Gaëlle demonstrated a strong interest in exploring extended techniques including adding some vocal lines as well, which is right up my alley, and finally, Alieksey will be playing something very rhythmic and fiery, something Brazilian perhaps?
It will be way too much fun !
Volterra Project
The mission of the Volterra Project is to help young guitarists develop well-rounded and non-competitive approaches to performing, to foster a generation of accomplished young guitarists who are prepared for the multiple aspects of performing careers, and to bring the guitar outside traditional performance venues into places of community access. MORE INFORMATION
Call For Guitarists Guidelines
CALL FOR GUITARISTS NEW MUSIC FOR THE GUITAR General Information The 1st Call For Guitarists: New Music For The Guitar gives an opportunity for musicians to work with a Grammy-nominated composer. The Award recipient(s) will receive an original piece of music, 8-10 minutes in duration, written exclusively for them by composer, pianist and singer Clarice Assad. The winning soloist or group will have the sole right to premiere and record the piece, and will work collaboratively with the composer on every aspect of the composition. The work will be published by Virtual Artists Collective, and will be recorded professionally. The recording will be released independently as an EP, which will contain other guitar works by the composer.